Collection: Clare Halifax

Sketchy AF

As an artist I am developing into different mediums but a love of drawing is at the base of every piece of work I do, whether it is an etching, pencil drawing or a screenprint. Using intricate detail and mark making to invite the viewer to look closer at the piece produced, be it an interpretation of a building, animal or botanical. Once i have decided on a subject matter it is the drawing that is the initial part of the process. With etching I enjoy the freedom and the restriction of drawing straight on to the plate as there is an element of having to just 'go with it'. And chine colle allows a bold impact of colour to juxtapose the delicate detail of the mark making. The proudest moment was seeing a piece of my work as the cover of Elle decoration. I love how you can loose yourself in art. Whether through the actual creative process or through the viewing of a piece, or exhibition. It is transportive, inviting, challenging, informative and thought provoking and I am thankful that I get to experience and express it everyday. 

Fun Fact: "I have a favourite print bed that I like to use. It has it's quirks but that is what adds to its charm!"